Sep 29, 2013

Sunday Stitches

This week has been very busy over here in The Bryer Patch sewing room. I have had a few orders for a couple of lucky pups! Lucy will now be chowing down in style, using her new dog bone placemat at every meal. Lucy's "mom" has hardwood floors, so I cut out a matching liner from vinyl to keep them protected from splashes.

Coconut is a new puppy who lives in Florida.  She will be receiving this adorable bin to store all of her toys. I used fusible fleece to provide a nice soft interior. Don't you just love all of the bright colours on Coconut's fabric bin? There is just something about polka dots that make me happy!

Meghan is celebrating her 9th birthday, and her aunt is sending her a lovely gift. Meghan will be able to use this tote bag to carry her music books to and from class. Purple is always a very popular colour for girls, and this time I added some fun bright colours to the lining. Meghan's aunt wanted a "fancy" style "M" and I was able to deliver!  Happy birthday, Meghan!

And last, but not least, Diego's mom sent me some adorable picture of his birthday celebrations. Looks as though his cake was pretty yummy. A word of caution though, the cuteness in the following pictures is almost too much!!! 

Happy Sunday, everyone! Have a wonderful week.

Sep 24, 2013

Put Your Party Hat On!

First birthday parties are so exciting, and Diego is all set to celebrate this momentous occasion in style! His mom is planning a Thomas the Train party and wanted Diego's hat and bib to match. I used blue polka dots and added some red and blue railroad stripes to bring it all together. What do you think?

I think this bib and party hat combo will be just perfect for all of the photo opportunities on the big day. Happy Birthday, Diego!


Sep 22, 2013

Sunday Stitches - A Bag for Brock

Well, here we are at Sunday again! Time sure is flying by. Things are really bustling over here in the Bryer Patch studio. Plenty of new babies to celebrate has meant lots of tote bags zipping along in production. Today I want to share a sweet tote bag that is all boy! Lots of camel and red, combined with touches of black and a delicious plaid. I just love plaid, it reminds me fall and all things cozy. As I have been sewing away today, apple crisp is baking in the oven and spaghetti and meatballs are simmering away in the kitchen. Fall really has arrived, bringing with it yummy smells and tastes. Can't wait for dinner! Here is a bit more information about the bag that was ordered for Brock.

This bag is heading off to live with a new little bookworm! I am hoping this bag accompanies Brock and his family on many trips to the library to load up on books. In order to accommodate carrying heavy loads of books, I reinforced the handles with box stitches and added a wide handle for carrying. The colours of this bag make me think of sock monkeys, and I had just the perfect little special touch for the back! Yup - that's a sock monkey tag. Cuteness overload or what ?

Cute sock money tag! 

A few other bags are currently in production to celebrate birthdays and baby showers. Stay tuned for more information in upcoming posts. Also very exciting is a project I am working on the celebrate a 1st birthday. The birthday boy's mom has ordered a party hat and bib for his special day. The party is a Thomas the Train theme, so I have used blue polka dots and lots of railroad stripes. The finished product will soon be ready for sharing, so check back very soon. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures of the bag that is on its way to celebrate Brock's arrival! Have a happy day, friends!

Sep 19, 2013

Teenagers R Us

Anyone else have teenage girls at their house? Well, here at our house we have two of them. They are marvelous creatures, really. Sometimes I just have to sit back and watch longingly as their youth vibrates off of them, shimmering like an aura with every step they take.They are self assured, confident and involved in all kinds of fabulous activities that I wouldn't dare attempt without concern for my physical well being. Their bodies are strong and lithe, yet to betray them with aches or pains from their arduous physical endeavours. They are also keenly aware of fashion trends. Out of frighteningly messy closets emerge entire outfits, coordinated from head to toe. I am in awe of all of this talent, and for brief moments seek to emulate their seemingly easy and carefree look. Alas, my lulu lemon pants win out on most days. My girls are taller than I, so they don't have much incentive to raid my closet, my personal fashion choices aside. They have, however, discovered my makeup cupboard.

Sleepy eyes the colour of sweet chocolate chips peer up at me over early weekday breakfasts, framed with glossy black liner. Lashes, impossibly long and alarmingly full are slick with shiny mascara nearly reaching perfectly arched eyebrows. Sparkles flit across smooth eyelids reminiscent of a tiny milky way. I sit across from these marvels while wearing my housecoat and eating a bowl of cereal in full contemplation mode. Somehow, they have taken my makeup and used it with an acumen and precision that continues to elude me. I don't want to discourage them from rifling through my makeup because I find the results enchanting, beguiling even. However, I must admit that I grow frustrated when I can't find my stuff!  On any given day I am liable to be missing my brush, my deodorant, my favourite eyeshadow, simply to name a few. I begin to believe I might be losing my mind and misplacing everything. A rampage around the house to locate my missing necessities ensues, and I realize that I might have to try a new tactic to get me through these years.

Source: Pinterest

So, in an effort to use humour rather than be a total nag, I have posted the following letter on my bathroom cabinet. You can read it in full format just beneath the picture.

Photo courtesy of one messy looking mom

Attention All Residents of Comfort Lane:

Please be advised that all items contained within this cupboard belong to Mrs. S.J. Brunette, furthermore to be referred to as “Mommy”.  Mommy has noticed an alarming trend whereby various items make an escape from the aforementioned cupboard. This is an ongoing mystery, yet some clues have arisen as to the identity of the suspects. Reports indicate that they look a lot alike so there is some confusion.

Mommy is happy to share. She is actually very good at doing so. Mommy would ask that in all further cupboard dealings, the following policy be strictly adhered to: ASK, TELL, RETURN.

1.     Ask – Please ask Mommy if items can be borrowed.
2.   Tell – Tell Mommy you are removing the item from said cupboard and provide an        approximation of length it will be in your care.
3.    Return – This perhaps is the MOST important step in the ASK, TELL, RETURN policy. Put each item back from whence it cometh. Where it was found, in the manner to which Mommy has become accustomed to storing said item. Thank you.

Mommy would like to remind you all that as your biological parent, she is a reflection of you while out in the community. Should Mommy be forced to run around town without having had a brush with which to comb her hair, some deodorant to keep her smelling like a rose, or makeup to enhance her natural beauty, you might find it a detriment to your burgeoning social lives. Imagine the shame you would suffer should Mommy bump into a cute fellow from your school while looking like a hedgehog and smelling rather foul.  It should be noted that Mommy would not hesitate to identify herself as the mother of Loulou and Mouse, regardless of appearance.  Especially now that Mommy is driving a car that puts her firmly in the “cool” camp. Mommy has an image to uphold.

Pursuant to the ASK, TELL, RETURN policy, please be made aware that should Mommy be forced to rummage through your bedrooms searching for items, she cannot be held responsible for any disruption that might ensue.  Furthermore, Mommy is hereby stating clearly that she is open to purchasing you each your own items to keep in your own bathroom. This purchase will not have to come from any allowance, as Mommy can see that you must have need for some specific things. Otherwise these items wouldn’t have grown feet and walked away from Mommy’s cupboard. Tell Mommy and she will purchase it! Easy? I think so.

In closing, Mommy would like to thank all residents for their anticipated cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this newly implemented policy, please feel free to contact Mommy. She is available every morning on the drive to school and can be found after school with a cup of tea in the sewing room. Looking forward to working with you all as we endeavor to keep our bathroom cupboards safe. Hugs, Mommy xo

There you are my lovelies!

Do you think this will work? So far it has generated a few laughs from the residents, but we will have to wait and see if it results in any meaningful and quantifiable change in behaviour. In the meantime, I am planning to continue to enjoy the journey I am on with the mystery twins. Who are they, and where did they come from? Manes of shiny dark hair, possessed of long legs, tall stature, and dark almond shaped eyes, they fail to resemble me in any way, shape or form. They clamour out of the car at school drop off without hesitation. They don't look back. They are on the journey forward, and I am thrilled just to be along for the ride. Isn't it amazing that as parents, we start out believing we have so much to teach our kids? I am finding the reverse is true. My beautiful girls continue to teach me more than I could ever hope to teach them, and not just about makeup.

Hoping you all have a day that starts out by being able to find your hairbrush. You'll be a step ahead of me!

Sep 15, 2013

Sunday Stitches

The advent of cooler days makes for perfect Sunday stitching. Tucked away in my little sewing room with a cup of tea and CBC playing in the background, I work away happily on whatever project is on my sewing table. Want a little peak of today's creations? It's Mr. Darcy's tote bag! All done and ready to be put to use as Mr. Darcy heads off to his job as a therapy dog.

Mr. Darcy, your tote bag awaits!
After what seems like ages out of routine, I was back into full swing today! Machines were humming away productively and my embroidery scissors got a workout. 

Where have you been, lady? We missed you in the sewing room!

Dog bones and paw prints frolic across the front of this bag. Lined with a cheery stripe and coordinating handles, I think the finished product is just as cute as a button! So, off to work with you Mr. Darcy! As the keeper of  furry snuggles and puppy licks, your work benefits many who are in need of companionship and comfort.  Keep up the good work, Mr. Darcy!

Have a happy day!

Sep 12, 2013

September Fuel

September is always very busy at our house. Of course, there is the fact that school starts once again, but our girls also celebrate their birthday at the beginning of the month. For these reasons, September always feels like the beginning of the year to me, even more so than January. All things seem fresh and new. Things like sheets of crisp lined paper, unsharpened pencils just waiting to unleash their potential across blank pages, and pristine lunch bags still untouched by the ravages of their daily commute. Even shoes look clean and scuff free, if only for a short time.

 For me, September means potential and promise. The highs and lows of this school year remain unwritten, but right now the excitement that runs through our home is palpable and real. I try to gather up these feelings and tuck them away to bring out when the rainy, darker days rear their grumpy heads. For I know they will come. When homework becomes a burden rather than a novelty, and early risings loom endless on the horizon, and blankets of snow quiet the world outside bedroom windows. And then, when the shoes are scuffed, and the pencils sharpened to a point of no return, I will reach back into September's bag of tricks. I will pull out the rays of sunshine that I have hidden away for tricky days, and I will use them to keep us all moving forward.

But for now, we are intent upon filling up on all that September has to offer us,  just like we loaded up fresh backpacks with shiny new school supplies. We are stockpiling! Our most favourite way to do this is to celebrate the birth of the twins. We fuel September's promise with cake, decorations, and family. I hope that all of you are finding ways to enjoy this wonderful month. I'm off to continue my scavenging for September goodies. Before I go, here are some pictures of September happiness that I have added to my collection. Have a happy day - and happy "new" year!

Oh happy day!

Tea for two - happy birthday, girlies!

Sep 8, 2013

Sunday Stitches

Sunday stitching found me working away in my sewing room on a special request. My dad has taken up photography in his retirement, and it turns out that he is really very good! He needs some fabric envelopes to protect images that he has printed but have yet to be framed. He requires specific sizes and asked me to make them 20x30, 22x28, and 18x24. I added a 1/2" seam allowance and set to work.

Just one example of my dad's fabulous work.

After cutting out the rectangles, I serged all the edges to prevent fraying. In order to provide a finished edge, I simply folded down the tops of the fabric the same amount as the serging. After stitching it secure, it was only a matter of straight line sewing to create the envelopes. He also asked that the envelopes have some type of closure. I don't really like working with velcro, so we decided upon some of my favourite kamsnaps. They wash well and won't scratch the printed photographs. We decided to identify the envelopes using various colours of kamsnaps so that Dad will know exactly what size of envelope he is looking for. I had lots of fun working on this project, and I know that my dad will find the envelopes very useful.

Work is also coming along on Mr Darcy's tote bag and soon I will have some pictures of the finished product to share. This week might even see the beginnings of the dog bone Christmas stocking project. I know one pup who is being extra good so that her own stocking will be full of goodies!

I am ALWAYS good, Mom!

Have a happy day!

Sep 5, 2013

Birthdays, Blooms and Beginnings

The September morning our twins were born dawned rainy and gray. Sun peaked out from behind billowing clouds, almost as if to assure me that after a storm comes promise and light. The birth of these girls was long awaited despite a truncated pregnancy. Born only 31 weeks into a difficult and tenuous pregnancy, my husband and I approached this day with trepidation and hope. Our girls suffered from a rare condition affecting identical twins called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. You can read a bit more about it here . It is not a good thing to have to deal with. The odds were certainly stacked against us, and I had plenty of time to contemplate these things as I lay on bed rest in the hospital for three months awaiting a safe time to deliver them into the world. We learned that multiple pregnancies are a precarious business. We hovered around that "viability" zone with a sheer determination to get as far along as possible. Then, finally, it was determined that the world outside could offer our babies a better chance at survival than my body could provide. The girls didn't cry at birth, rather, they mewled like kittens. It was music to our ears as we had been prepared for their silent arrival. Our delivery room looked more like the hospital waiting room than anything else. Two of every kind of physician, multiple nurses, respiratory specialists, and neonatologists just to name a few. Our new little family spent several months in the NICU surrounded by individuals and machines that would ultimately be responsible for keeping our sweet girls alive. Tiny. So impossibly tiny. Translucent skin, dusted with deep purple veins splayed across their bodies like road maps to our unknown destination. We couldn't hold them, so I remember following the trails of their veins from head to toe in between every conceivable piece of medical equipment that covered their miniature bodies. It was as if I was willing that blood to flow through them and make them whole. To help them grow strong and healthy, and all the while dreaming of bringing them home to share in "normal" things like long walks and snuggles. And it worked! Time passed. Our babies grew. And time passed. Quickly.

Every summer I have planted morning glories in my garden. They take so long to establish themselves and bloom. When they do, the results are spectacular. They stay that way for only a portion of every morning, and only for a few weeks. Soon, they become top heavy and their leaden blooms trail and drape, leaving the base bereft of any beauty at all. The day after the girls were born, two solitary morning glories bloomed in my garden. Only two. Standing up proud as if to say, "Despite the odds, here we are!" Symbolism at its finest. And time passed. Quickly.

So many morning glories in our garden : )

This week our girls began their high school careers. They are so ready for this new chapter; mature, responsible and earnest. They are so excited! And so are we! My heart swells with pride and I can't help but daydream about all the wonderful things that are to come. But a bit of sadness creeps in. Uninvited, unannounced and unbidden. It wraps itself around my joyful heart and squeezes just a little bit. It reminds me that my babies are on a precipice. As their parents we are having to let go. In fact, this whole journey has been a gradual process of letting go. The mama bear in me begins to roar - you will face peer pressure! You might have your heart broken! You will have to make so many decisions! And just for a short time I allow myself to dwell in this land of fear. But then I remember those morning glories, and I know that our girls will be alright because their roots are strong and they are capable. And time will pass quickly, oh, so quickly.

Double beauties!

Sep 1, 2013

Sunday Stitches

Sunday is my favourite day to spend tucked away in my little sewing room. Saturdays are often spent running around with the kids, getting chores done, and visiting with friends. But Sunday is an entirely different story! Slow and lazy, filled with the promise of a day spent indulging in my favourite pastime. Bet you can't guess what that is???? I thought it would be fun to share a little sneak peak of what is on my sewing table on Sundays. This week, somebody (or should I say some-puppy?) is getting a new Bryer Patch tote! 
Designing on the computer - the first step!
Now, Mr. Darcy is a pretty special pup. At home, he is known simply as Darcy. However, he often goes to work! Yup, that's right, Mr. Darcy is a workin' man! His gentle disposition and unabashed desire for snuggles makes him a perfect therapy dog. His new tote bag will accompany him to the "office" to help carry all of his supplies. I am thinking red fabrics with a sprinkling of paw prints, combined with a healthy dose of a masculine stripes will be just the ticket for this new tote bag. Stay tuned for some pictures of this tote all ready to go!

Just to keep things pup-tastic, I have an exciting new project underway. The pattern is laid out on my sewing table all ready to be cut out. Let's see if anyone can figure out what the outcome will be? Here's a picture to help you out. Not sure? Well then, you'll just have to hop on over to the Bryer Patch next week and all will be revealed!  Leave a comment and if you guess correctly, I'll even make you one for your own fur baby.  Happy Sunday!