Jul 29, 2014

A Few Things to LOVE!

Yesterday was very chilly, but we decided to make the most of the first official day of my husband's holidays. We made the trek into downtown Toronto, and spent a delightful few hours wandering around the distillery district. We stopped at the cute "Love" wall, and one of our daughters did a great job of taking our picture, don't you think?
Before we had lunch though, we made a stop at one of my favourite places in the world, King Textiles. I always find what I am looking for, usually after a satisfying search through the piles and bolts of fabric that are haphazardly strewn all around. I'm sure there is an order to things, but I find the sheer volume of fabric dizzying! I can spend hours perusing and contemplating fabric option, but alas, even my ever patient husband has his limits when it comes to shopping. I did enjoy a wonderful hour in the store, and even found a bit of time to wander Spadina for a few extra tidbits. Hauling my finds in a large bag along the street was not the easiest thing to do, but I have discovered something pretty amazing! 

Well said, Happy Face! My sewing room is now a disaster. I brought the bags of fabric home, promptly dropped them all over every available surface and contemplated what designs to add to a few bag orders. My husband made us a delicious dinner and I must admit I didn't get back into my room for tidy up. That awaits today, but not until we have enjoyed a latte and a walk with our pup. Add these to the list of things I love! Hope you have a great day too!

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