Happy Birthday, Canada! We sure do have plenty to celebrate on this, our 147th birthday. We are certainly a young country by any standard, but I think that fact serves to emphasizes all of the amazing accomplishments our country has achieved in such a short time. I am a very proud Canadian, and I have always maintained that we live in the best country in the world. Here are a few reasons why I am so happy to celebrate Canada today:
1. We live in a peaceful nation. For example, in Ontario, we recently had an election. On that day, I was able to drive to an accessible location and cast my ballot for the candidate of my own choosing. I was in and out of the poll location in about 10 minutes. I exercised my democratic privilege without fear for my safety. That is something not all countries can claim! Additionally, as a woman, I am counted as an equal voter amongst all others in my nation. Shockingly, this is still not the case the world over. Even in Quebec, women did not have the right to vote until 1940. My own grandmothers were born in a time when they didn't have the right to vote. Now that makes history real!

2. We take education seriously. I know there are problems, especially at the moment. But let's just look at the journey as a whole for a minute. All children, every single one, has access to education here in Canada. As a mother of daughters, I know that they will have every opportunity to achieve their own academic goals and that they will be of their choosing. Not once have I been asked, "Mom, can I do that job if I am a girl?" by my children. In 1867, Emily Howard Stowe became the first woman to practice medicine in Canada. For her it was a hard won battle, but not her first! Did you know that she was also the first woman to be a principal of a public school in Upper Canada? Talk about a trail blazer!
3. A little snow and ice won't stop us! As mentioned earlier, we are a young nation. Add to that the challenges many parts of our country face with weather, it is astonishing that we have created the reliable and functional infrastructure that we depend upon. Ever driven down the highway only to see a convoy of enormous snow plows heading in the opposite direction? Like behemoths they maneuver along, leaving a trail of slush, salt, sand and snow. They go through sleet, snow, freezing rain, ice and anything else that is thrown at us so that we can continue on our own journey. Once, I had a friend visiting who had never seen these snow plows converge on the highway. She was terrified! I guess another thing that makes us Canadian is the fact that the plows actually make us feel safe. So, despite some nasty weather, and our dependence upon immense trucks to clear a path several months of the year, we have accomplished some pretty great stuff!

4. We are gorgeous, Darling! Look around you - our country is a stunner! We are diverse in our beauty, which makes it that much more unique. For example, I am from Northern Ontario. As we drive up to visit, the landscape changes. As we get closer, there are enormous rock cuts that signal to me that I am home. I sit with my family and enjoy dinner overlooking a wonderful lake, and my children have spent hours playing in the rocks and trees that surround the house. We watch sunsets together that begin with such brightness, and morph into a swirling mass of oranges, reds, and yellows. I live in Southern Ontario now, where we enjoy the walking trails, and farmers fields that surround our outskirts. But it is different from my home, and that's OK! Aren't we lucky we have so much diversity to enjoy. What beauty defines your Canadian home?

5. Coffee Crisp, Crispy Crunch, and Smarties. Need I say more? Well, I guess we can add ketchup and dill pickle chips to the list as well. Yup! These are all uniquely Canadian treats. Maybe you should enjoy a sampling of them today, just to celebrate! Unless of course, you have already stuffed your Canadian face full of Timbits. Party on, friends!
6. Last, but not least, the Ganaraskan dog. This is our Rosie. She is the BEST dog anyone could ask for. She rarely barks, and is non-shedding. She loves to play, and snuggle, but mostly she loves her family to bits. She is the BEST dog anyone could ask for.
Bred originally as therapy dogs, the Ganaraskan originated near Port Hope, Ontario and are named after the Ganaraska River. Sweet tempered, intelligent, loyal, and devoted, the Ganny is the perfect Canadian dog!
As you know, all things in my life come back around to tote bags. Did you really think you were getting a tote bag free post? Come on, now. So, in closing, I share with you a bright red tote bag in honour of our fabulous country. Wear red today, carry a red tote bag, and sing "O Canada" at the top of your lungs - but please finish your Timbits first. That could get messy.