Every summer I have planted morning glories in my garden. They take so long to establish themselves and bloom. When they do, the results are spectacular. They stay that way for only a portion of every morning, and only for a few weeks. Soon, they become top heavy and their leaden blooms trail and drape, leaving the base bereft of any beauty at all. The day after the girls were born, two solitary morning glories bloomed in my garden. Only two. Standing up proud as if to say, "Despite the odds, here we are!" Symbolism at its finest. And time passed. Quickly.
So many morning glories in our garden : ) |
This week our girls began their high school careers. They are so ready for this new chapter; mature, responsible and earnest. They are so excited! And so are we! My heart swells with pride and I can't help but daydream about all the wonderful things that are to come. But a bit of sadness creeps in. Uninvited, unannounced and unbidden. It wraps itself around my joyful heart and squeezes just a little bit. It reminds me that my babies are on a precipice. As their parents we are having to let go. In fact, this whole journey has been a gradual process of letting go. The mama bear in me begins to roar - you will face peer pressure! You might have your heart broken! You will have to make so many decisions! And just for a short time I allow myself to dwell in this land of fear. But then I remember those morning glories, and I know that our girls will be alright because their roots are strong and they are capable. And time will pass quickly, oh, so quickly.
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Double beauties! |
Happ belated birthday to the girls! They really are beauties. Double the fun! :)