Mar 21, 2014

Baby Onesie Cuteness

The sun is shining today, albeit a bit chilly still. But it's Friday, and that makes me so very happy! It's pizza night here at our house, which leave the entire afternoon free of meal planning, cooking, and the dreaded after dinner clean up. I plan to watch a movie with my hubby, and hang out with my gals. Clearly, I have big plans for this first weekend of spring. Can you guess what else might be on the agenda?

I thought you would never guess! That was a tough one, right? I am finishing up a whole bunch of little things in my sewing room. Putting the finishing touches on the many baby items I have been sewing will keep me busy for sure. The baby shower is coming up in a few weeks, so I have to be all ready for the party. 

I just finished one of the baby items and can't stop looking at it hanging in my sewing room. There is just something about the baby onesie, isn't there? I always loved the way the fabric across the belly stretched out on my babies, leaving this adorable little paunch just perfect for a kiss or a tickle. My girls will be so mad at me for such reminiscing! Anyhow, I have indulged my love of the baby onesie in anticipation of my nephew's arrival. Despite not having yet met him of course, I am already aware that he is a pretty special little guy. He has a big job, and responsibilities, because he is......

Oh.My.Goodness. So cute, I can hardly stand it. I chose a onesie that was sized 0-3 months, thinking it would be perfect for a photo once Baby chunks on a bit of weight in that most important belly button zone : ) The newborn size only went up to 7 pounds, and I imagine he will be at that weight when he arrives. Even more exciting, is that this onesie is part of a three piece set. Why, you ask? Well, I have yet to create the "Big Sis" and "Big Bro" t-shirts. That is part of the weekend plan. I see a pretty sweet family photo in "lil bro's" future, don't you? Off to my sewing room to get to work. I will share some photos soon so come on back to check it out. Happy weekend, Friends ! 

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