Over here at our house, we certainly agree with this quote! Our twin arrivals came as quite the little surprises fourteen years ago, and they created no small number of challenges/adventures for us to navigate. Some of these issues are ongoing. One in particular leads me to amend this quote to say, "There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins. And the laundry they create."
It lives!!! Run and hide! |
In order to cope, I have had to change my attitude with regards to the ongoing struggle. I am trying to be glad that my girls want to change outfits so many times because it means they are establishing a firm sense of their own individual styles. I have decided that my untold trips up and down the stairs carrying baskets of clothing is a perfectly good form of exercise. Having sports uniforms to launder is a sign that my kids are engaged, healthy, and involved, albeit a bit smelly : ). Lastly, I feel that having laundry to fold is a reasonable excuse to catch up on some TV shows that I have been missing. All this work is a sign that life is good, and I know that like all stages, the "Laundry Overload" will morph into some other form eventually. I might even miss it, and all it entails. Because it is about so much more than soap, bubbles and folding. So, you see? So many positives come from the piles that emerge from all bedrooms in this house. If I'm really lucky, I even get a little "help" from a friend!
Rosie the wonder dog always at the ready! |
Happy Friday! Wishing you all a great weekend, full of good things. Like laundry.
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