Hmmm, sounds pretty awful right? An entire post dedicated to the things that we didn't do? Well, read on and find out why the exact opposite is true! We are trying to get back into routine here after a full two week of holidays. It was so lovely, and it went by way too fast as it always does. We only get two weeks all summer to be off together as a family, and we enjoy it so much that we always want to guard the time jealously. So, this summer, there are lots of things we didn't do. We said NO to many things that we used to think of as commitments. We chose our own schedule, and stuck to our plans without deviation. We declined party invitations, dinner invitations, anything that looked or sounded like "busy", and anything that got us up early in the morning. I didn't do much sewing either, as it is a solitary pursuit and I wanted to be with my gang. Sometimes it is really hard to say no to things and to stand firm. So, I guess you are wondering why we "didn't" do so many things? This summer, I have discovered a little hidden gem of truth - when you say no to some things, it opens up vast opportunities and time for so many others! And those other things and activities are the ones that bring you and your own family shared experiences and contentment.

This is really important to us right now because our kids are really spreading their wings and becoming independent. We want to savour as much time as possible, because times they are a changing! The icing on the cake is that you are in the driver's seat, and every action you take and activity you participate in, is important to you and your family for your own reasons. If you fill your time up with perceived obligations, you are living someone else's dream, and depleting your own time bank. Now, before you think this is totally selfish, I admit that there is a balance to be found. But on the whole, you and your family have a finite amount of time. That is the harsh reality, and making a choice to be true to that is so liberating. Just in case you think we are sticks in the mud, here is a bit of what we DID do over the holidays!
1. We DID enjoy our garden immensely. We spend a lot of time looking after our plants and making the backyard our own little slice of paradise on hot sunny days. We swam for hours, and the four of us ( I should say five, but the fifth member spent most of her time seeking shady nap spots- and she didn't help much with the weeding!) hung out chatting and nibbling on cheese and crackers for lunch.
Like I said, not much of a gardener! |
2. We DID spend lots of time lounging around in the great outdoors.
3. We DID enjoy campfires and smores!
4. We DID spend hours reading. I have finished Diana Gabaldon's newest book, and have started in on The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness. Both excellent!
5. We DID choose to spend plenty of time just enjoying the view, and hanging out with cousins.
5. We DID sit in a small traffic jam at the border - WHAT? Wait, hold up - why would we want to do that??? We have a little tradition whereby we go cross-border shopping for back to school clothes. It's really fun, and we all enjoy it. We stay in a hotel, have dinner out. The bonus is that we have the girls trapped in the car with us for several hours. Well, a bonus for us I suppose! And, you know what? That traffic hold up didn't bother us one bit because it was part of something we really wanted to do. It was one small time concession that we could afford after gaining so much from being selective with our time bank.
6. We DID make it family movie night almost every evening! We can usually do this only once per weekend, however, we managed almost 10 movie nights. So fun! We even bought a new air popcorn popper to add some theatre flavour to our viewing.
7. Well, maybe I DID sew a little bit! Obsession, addiction, call it what you will. That darn sewing room in right near the family room, so that must count for something right? Besides, everyone else was napping. As usual, it all comes back to fabric in my world!
Of course, now I am off to get caught up on my sewing orders now that we are ( albeit begrudgingly!) back into our regular routine. I always try to remember not to be sad the holiday is over, but to be thankful that we had the time to build a few more memories. Many exciting things are on the horizon too. Next week, my husband begins a brand new role at work. He is really looking forward to new challenges, and we are very proud of him for working so hard to achieve the opportunity. In really big news - the girls get their braces off next week!!! Bring on the apples, and the chips, and the gum, oh my! They could give you an endless list. Have a great day!